Software Suggestions

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Re: Software Suggestions

Post by Doc »

Thank you for your input and ideas.
- Possibility to close open windows (instead of having to slide around windows or changing between them)
We had a different idea on this, just use the "Quick Jump" Buttons on the upper left corner to jump between the windows.
So, just leave the windows where the are and just jump between them.
quick jump buttons.jpg
quick jump buttons.jpg (30.12 KiB) Viewed 53146 times
- Possibility to resize every window (instead of having to scroll manually) OR Possibility to use the scroll wheel to navigate through the windows)
For sure, something to think about.

- Possibility to increase or decrease table values (with increments of 1) by using the + and - keys on the Numpad.
There is already something in the program. Instead of "+" and "-" Key you can use [CTRL]+[UP] and [CTRL]+[DOWN] for big changes and [ALT]+[UP] and [ALT]+[DOWN] for small changes. The size of the changes you can set in the setup window under "Editor".

For the Keyboard shortcuts please see the quick start manual or in the program hit the [F1] to open the on-side-help, here you can see the keyboard shortcuts, too.
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