A hello with a yellow bathtub!

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A hello with a yellow bathtub!

Post by Arno »


Just wanted to introduce myself and my car on the forum here.

My name is Arno, I'm from The Netherlands and I drive a bright yellow S2 Lotus Elise (aka. a polyester and aluminium bathtub :lol: ) that currently has a Honda K20A2 with some mild modifications (eg. DC5 pistons, TODA A3 cams) in the back of it. Taken the car apart and rebuilt it several times and am now working on improving the general usability of the car and engine install.

Just bought a ProECU-K with some extra bits to help with this purpose as it adds a lot of flexibility 8-)

In my daily work I'm an IT/Network engineer, but have always worked on cars, electronics and other mechanical bits and I like to get things on my car 'just right'.. :geek: (just usually takes a loooong time and may iterations :oops: )

Hoping to find the (spare) time to work a bit more on the car this year and get everything I got from Doctronic going nicely..

Can't add pics (yet), but here's 2 links to some photos:

http://griffioa.home.xs4all.nl/forum-im ... dsmall.jpg


(Apologies for the 'Lotus Performance' cover.. Just want to make it look as 'OEM' as possible :D )

Bye, Arno.
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Re: A hello with a yellow bathtub!

Post by Doc »

Hi Arno!

Welcome on Board :)

Best regards,
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