Docu: O2 Sensor, Lambda, Wideband - what will work with which ECU

Here we show you how to configurate and use Features, explain details about the ECUs, and other technical stuff around the Honda K-Series ECUs and ProECU-K
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Docu: O2 Sensor, Lambda, Wideband - what will work with which ECU

Post by Doc »

First of all, there are two main series of ECUs, the one with Hondas AF Sensor (a quasi Wideband) and the ones with normal O2, narrow band Sensors.

Look at the Picture:
kseries ECU wideband or not.jpg
kseries ECU wideband or not.jpg (133.61 KiB) Viewed 36264 times
If your ECU has the Black Box installed (marked with red circle) it's designed to use the Honda AF Sensor. We call it in now "Wideband ECU".
If this item is missing it's designed for narrowband. Let's call them "Narrowband ECU".
Known Wideband ECUs are: PRB, PRC, PND, PNF, etc. ususally at the US and Japan Market, and know narrowband i.e. PRA from the European Market.

Now, which configurations are possible with ProECU-K:

* Wideband ECU with Honda AF Sensor - use the PRB Codebase (original Configuration)
* Wideband ECU with external Widebandcontroller - use the PRB Codebase, use the function "External Wideband on ELD" and set the Voltage->Lambda conversion Table matching your Wideband in the Sensor Tab.
* Wideband ECU with narrowband O2 Sensor - use the PRA Codebase, use the "secondary O2 Sensor as primary" and connect the narrowband (located befor the catalytic converter) to the input of the secodary O2 Sensor. Don't forget to wire up the Sensor Heater, too!

* Narrowband ECU with narrowband O2 Sensor - use the PRA Codebase (orginal Configuration)
* Narrowband ECU with external Widebandcontroller - use the PRB Codebase if you want to run closed Loop from the external Wideband or you can use the PRA Codebase when only using the Wideband for tuning, logging, Failsave function. Use the function "External Wideband on ELD" and set the Voltage->Lambda conversion Table matching your Wideband in the Sensor Tab.
* Narrowband ECU with Honda AF Sensor - does not work, the ECUs does not provide the Hardware to control the sensor!

Connecting a external Wideband to the ECU:
Connect the 0-5 Volt linear output of the Wideband to the ELD Input of the Ecu (Pin E15) and the Ground to the ECUs Signal Ground (Pin E4). We even modify the ECU to get the ELD input higher impendanced to eliminate, or at least help, with the voltage offset problem which can occure with some weak output of the wideband.

When using a narrowband O2 Sensor on the secondary O2 Sensor input of the ECU as primary O2 Sensor, you need to connect it as follow:
Sensor Signal to: E2
Sensor Ground to: E4
Sensor Heater to: E6
Sensor Heater 2 to: Igniton Power
Remeber! When using it as primary O2 Sensor for closed loop operation, the Sensor has to be located befor the catalytic converter!
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Re: Docu: O2 Sensor, Lambda, Wideband - what will work with which ECU

Post by Walter »

Hi! I was wondering in the case you use a semi-wideband RSX in Ep3 with PRA? it's not possible to use it as external sensor connected to ECU? I ask this because it's plug and play.
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